I love to write. I enjoy putting pen to paper. Oh wait! What I meant to say was fingertips to keyboard keys. Silly me. Recently I've been focusing on etymology, holistic living, food, recycling and upcycling.

When I'm not writing, I make junk journals because they're fun to make. There are no rules. I can use any materials, scraps of paper, fabric, rope, shopping bags - the list is endless. It's my creative outlet and a way to upcycle and recycle using art.

I've written four young adult fantasy fiction novels and hope to find the time to write a few short stories to explore some of the more interesting characters in the novels. I'll get there. Maybe if I wake up a little earlier each morning.

I'm excited about writing on Medium, reading articles and learning from all the talent that I've seen so far.

Best wishes


Medium member since February 2022
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Celeste Wilson

Celeste Wilson

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story