Rice, Food Safety and Shelf Life, Raw and Cooked

Every time I turn on the T.V. I see reports about food safety, food shortages, a looming recession and more. Stocking up sounds like a good idea. It can’t hurt right?

Celeste Wilson


Image by allybally4b on Pixabay

Not All Rice is Created Equal

While raw (uncooked) rice has a long pantry life, the life span is different depending on the type of rice you’re storing.

There are several types of rice, including basmati, brown, jasmine, long grain, wild, or white rice. This is a short list because there are many more.

An easy example is the difference between white and brown rice. Brown rice is not as processed (milled) as white rice and has a higher fat content. While both are considered shelf stable, it is the fat content in brown rice that lowers its shelf life.

When something is shelf stable, it may be stored in the pantry at room temperature.

Rice Can Expire

Look at it.

· Do you see any bugs?

· Has moisture entered the package?

· Is there mold on the rice? They can appear as green, blue, or black spots. Any mold on rice will also diminish its…



Celeste Wilson

Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story